Κυριακή, Ιουλίου 01, 2012

About creativity and another way of life...

The Rum Diary (novel)
The Rum Diary (novel) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I just watched that great movie with Johnny Depp starring in "The Rum Diary" as Paul Kemp, the main character of Hunter S. Thompson's novel with the same name, and got me thinking -again- about creativity and that simple and real way of life... Contrasting between the eternal chase of the "American Dream" and the "Fuck It All and Live Dream". About the first, it's there, come and grasp it. Easy? No way, unless you are ready to leave your conscience aside and step on people's dream's, but everyone is trying to get a slice of that "Dream" pie. Most people work endlessly chasing that carrot and sell out along the way. Leaving behind their values and ignoring their neighbour while running in a marathon where they are the rats in the maze. 
About the second "dream", it's basically not a dream at all. I think it's the point in time when you realize that you are just a pathetic rat running round and round in the maze of a system just because you smell the cheese or, even worse, just because you've been promised a crumb of cheese which you have never seen. And then you re-evaluate your life and wonder... what if... what if I fuck it all and start living, what if I fuck it all and start doing what I want, what I believe to be important, what if I start doing nothing at all and hear the wonderful sound of silence? What matter more? To produce something that isn't mine or create something new that expands the borders of human intellect? 
But, there's a big but here! You can't be creative when you work for money and someone else's product but also you can't be creative when you say so. Or, as I've put it more accurately in the bathroom, where all great ideas come from, "Creativity comes when nobody asked for it." or "Creativity comes when least expected." 
My real point is that all these I'm doing while running in the maze doesn't work eventually. I cannot fulfil my purpose as a rat of the system because I want to just stop running and become a wine-drinking writer who travels the world and lives by his will. I want to live like there's no tomorrow but stop doing that when I want to and hear my footsteps on the sand or the rain hitting my shoulders. I want to breathe freedom and taste happiness. I want to see real faces surround me and people simple but true. 

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Τετάρτη, Ιουνίου 20, 2012


Πρόσκληση στην εκδήλωση με θέμα

Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2012, ΕΣΗΕΑ, Αθήνα

Με την ευκαιρία της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Προσφύγων 20 Ιουνίου 2012 και εν όψει της Διάσκεψης του ΟΗΕ για τη Συνθήκη για το Εμπόριο Όπλων 2-27 Ιουλίου 2012, το Ελληνικό Φόρουμ Προσφύγων (GFR) και το Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο για την Αντίρρηση Συνείδησης (EBCO) θα συνδιοργανώσουν εκδήλωση με τίτλο «Σταματήστε τα όπλα, όχι τους πρόσφυγες», εστιάζοντας στους πρόσφυγες εξαιτίας πολέμων και ενόπλων συγκρούσεων. Η εκδήλωση θα περιλαμβάνει μαρτυρίες προσφύγων, ομιλίες, προβολή οπτικοακουστικού υλικού, έκθεση φωτογραφίας και μουσική παράσταση. Θα προβληθεί επίσης, σε πρώτη προβολή σε Αθήνα και Βρυξέλλες ταυτόχρονα, το νέο ντοκιμαντέρ για τους πρόσφυγες στην Ελλάδα με τίτλοHow Much Further?, παραγωγής του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου για τους Πρόσφυγες και Εξόριστους (ECRE), τουΕλληνικούΦόρουμ Προσφύγων και του κινηματογραφιστή Matthias Wiessler. Το ντοκιμαντέρ κινηματογραφήθηκε στην Αθήνα από τον Οκτώβριο του 2011 έως τον Φεβρουάριο του 2012, και δίνει φωνή σε όσους αναγκάστηκαν να εγκαταλείψουν το Αφγανιστάν, τη Σομαλία και το Σουδάν, ελπίζοντας να βρουν καταφύγιο στην Ευρώπη.

Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2012 από τις 16:00 έως τις 21:30 στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων της Ένωσης Συντακτών Ημερησίων Εφημερίδων Αθηνών (Ακαδημίας 20, Αθήνα).

Κυριακή, Ιουνίου 17, 2012

[reblog] A Syriza victory will mark the beginning of the end of Greece's tragedy

The Financial Times Deutschland last week published an article on its front page headlined "Resist the demagogue". It was written in Greek. The article advised the Greeks to reject the radical left Syriza party and vote for the rightwing New Democracy today. It is the culmination of an astounding campaign of fear and blackmail against the democratic right of Greeks to elect a government of their choice.

Angela Merkel, the European commission president José Manuel Barroso, and even George Osborne, have ordered the Greeks to vote the right way. This direct intervention into the democratic process of a sovereign state follows a plethora of threats and rumours, secrets and lies, telling people that if they vote for Syriza, the country will be ejected from the euro and untold catastrophes will follow.

Why are the European elites carrying out this unprecedented campaign, which strikes at the heart of the EU and would lead to outrage if the target were the British, the Italians, or the French? The reason is simple. If the Greeks vote a Syriza government into office, the EU and the IMF will have to drastically change the austerity policies that created an economic disaster and a humanitarian crisis.


Παρασκευή, Ιουνίου 15, 2012

Greek elections and propaganda

Panoramic view of the 5th Congress of Synaspis...
Panoramic view of the 5th Congress of Synaspismos, while candidate president Alexis Tsipras makes his speech. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hello again! Today I would like to explain some things extremely shortly to my fellow Europeans about Greece and our elections. 
Everyone at this moment is afraid of SYRIZA, a left party that most probably will be elected, and press the Greek citizens not to vote for it. Alexis Tsipras, its leader, is presented as a deamon who' going to bring chaos and disaster. Propaganda is tha main thing nowadays in Greece but in its worst form. Adverts with people crying, young children expressing fears of no future, clear extorsions and so on and so on... Foreign newspapers and magazines are clearly interviening into the political life of the country by terrorizing and pushing towards the right-wing party. Imagine Germany publishing articles all the time and terrorizing the French (I don't know how..) to vote for some pro-German companies and banks party! 
The thing is that all these about SYRIZA are lies! It's leader, although presented as a communist revolution leader, want to negotiate and try to fix the problems on our own. Everyone says that Greece is being helped from abroad and with the money of the Europeans. That's exactly what he wants to change! Re-build our country with our strength and our money, which by the way are plenty in Greece but we have to pay the interest of the previous loans. And while doing that, paying back in a slower rate the loans given to us. What's crazy in this? Does this sound like communist revolution? 
Of course no foreign company and bank want SYRIZA and Alexis Tsipras to take over goverment in Greece because then all their plans of buying for nothing greek companies, huge areas of  land, earning tax revenues etc., goes to garbage! Isn't it logical that we don't want to sell out our home? 
But everyone says that the Greeks have a huge debt and have to pay. And everyone emphasizes on the economic help of the rest of the Europeans, but none says that this is not help but a real loan that has interest and right now Europeans are earning money from the misery of Greek people. Our fellow Europeans are earning interest from Greece for literally 200 years now! Can you imagine how many times Greece has repayed every single loan it got? 
And especially for the German people I have to say that you had many oppurtunities to rebuild your country but you have a hugely disonest attitude against Greece who was a part of your German economic miracles. Your lovely country started two WW in the last century, killed so many people and destroyed countries, but after that your debts were erased!!! Specifically from Greece, gold and other things were stolen and never returned. 1/6th of the population died because of you and now you dare to talk and try to take over Greece? Again? 

p.s.: The propaganda is huge against SYRIZA. Even the Getty Images has offered lots of available photos of Alexis Tsipras and SYRIZA, but only is you retain their image caption that connects Tsipra's election with the currency of Greece. So the point is that if you want to write about Tsipras, be our guest and here have some photos but you'll have to say what we say!